Annai Associates – Next Level Financing

Private Finance Funding

Private Finance Funding

Private finance funding, also known as private financing or private lending, is a form of financing in which individuals or private entities provide funds to borrowers, typically individuals or businesses, in exchange for a return on their investment.

Private finance funding differs from traditional bank loans in that it does not involve a financial institution as the primary lender. Instead, private investors, also known as private lenders, offer capital to borrowers based on mutually agreed-upon terms and conditions.

Age Criteria

Age eligibility with most lenders is 21-60 years. 

Credit Score

poor score below 600 leads to denial or higher interest rates.

Income and Employment Stability

Debt-to-Income Ratio, Loan Amount and Purpose, Loan Repayment Term

Documents Needed

Identity Proof

Identity Proof

Income Proof

Employment Proof

Collateral Proof

Our Benefits

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